Friday, March 24, 2017

GSA to participate in AIDs walk June 2017

By: Abigail Sullivan

According to the GSA Network Organization, GSA is "student run club, typically in a high school, which provides a safe place for students to meet, support each other, talk about  issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity and expression." Mystic Valley's GSA club meets every Thursday morning in the tech lab. It is led by Ms. Martindale and club president Kris Porzio. 

"I joined GSA to have a place where I could express myself without fearing judgement, and to learn more about social issues" -Kris Porzio
Left to Right: President Kris Porzio, Jesse Orton, Breanna Foley
 Photo Courtesy of Kiara Awunti

Right now the club is preparing to participate in the AIDS walk in Boston. This year, the fundraising event will take place on June 4th. The Avert Organization tell us "AIDS is not a virus but a set of symptoms caused by HIV virus. An individual is said to have AIDS when their immune system is too weak to fight off infection, and they develop certain defining symptoms and illnesses. This is the last stage of HIV, when the infection is very advanced, and if left untreated will lead to death."

Last year, GSA was able to participate in the AIDS walk as well. They were able to raise around $300 total. Their goal this year is to continue to raise as much as they can, since every amount will have a positive impact.

"Every dollar counts, and every dollar will help someone fight HIV/AIDS" -Kris Porzio

Feel free to learn more here: 

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